UniMex.Network-Announcing v1.2 + more!

2 min readMar 4, 2021


Before we dive into the updates, it has been an eventful last 30 days for the unimex community, so here’s a quick rundown of what we have witnessed over this period:

Over 2x holders + stakers increase for $UMX

(3rd of February) https://twitter.com/UniMex_Network/status/1357002814506102784

(4th of March)

Conclusion of $100,000 trading + lending competition

Over 10,000 ETH volume throughout this period. (During period of time where opening and closing positions would range from 0.25–0.5+ ETH gas fee.)

$DGN Seed, Public round and Listing

Seed round (hard-capped)✅ @$4.50
Public round (hard-capped)✅ @$5.00
Listing https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?inputCurrency=0x72f28c09be1342447fa01Ebc76eF508473d08c5c ✅ @$5.50
$DGN Price Talk: https://t.me/degenpricetalk

Unimex v1.2 + Further Updates


March 8th

  • Unimex v1.2 release on ETH(Uniswap)
    - Stop loss, take profit, limit orders, commitment adding
    - Minor UI updates
  • Fee Distribution (ETH version)
    0.4% Total
    - 0.2% Lenders
    - 0.15% UMX stakers
    - 0.025% Team and liquidation reserve
    - 0.025% SWAP stakers


March 10th

  • Unimex v1.2 release on BSC(PancakeSwap)
    - Stop loss, take profit, limit orders, commitment adding
    - Same UI as ETH version
  • Fee Distribution (BSC version)
    0.4% Total
    - 0.2% Lenders
    - 0.125% Stakers
    0.0625% DGN stakers
    0.0625% UMX stakers (Bridged to ETH)
    - 0.025% Team and liquidation reserve
    - 0.025% SWAP stakers
    - 0.025% DGN buybacks and burns

Further Updates

To be added within 1–2 weeks of v1.2 release.

  • Stablecoin deposits/withdrawals (USDC, DAI, USDT, etc) + Equivalents on BSC version.
  • Stablecoin trading pairs, HEX-USDC is coming :)
  • Increased max leverage of upto 10x, existing pairs updated accordingly.

